Find Your Coffee Match

“Find Your Coffee Match” is a mock media activation I designed and created a pitch deck for in response to a brief regarding how to grow Gen-Z’s interest and consideration of coffee products in unique ways. This activation pitch was part of a larger pitch deck and is based on insights and indexing data regarding Gen Z’s use of dating apps and how Gen Z is trending towards valuing meaningful connections with dating apps. This idea utilizes Gen Z’s high usage of dating apps to bring coffee products front and center to Gen Z through the use of personalized ads on dating apps and on-location activations at coffee shops, positioning coffee as a mode by which people can connect. I designed this activation with three stages Drive Awareness, Live Event, and Amplify. Drive Awareness involves geotargeted ad campaigns on dating apps with the “Find Your Coffee Match” tagline offering users a quiz to find their personalized coffee products and to be matched with those who share their tastes. The live event is a play on the idea of coffee dates and is a live coffee date event at coffee shops sponsored by the coffee brand with a live stream extension. Finally, the footage from the live event is utilized in the Amplify stage where we use the UGC from the live events for video ads that have messaging related to the connection people can make over a cup of coffee. The ad mockups, deck, and activation are all designed by me.


SOTC Mixer Event